
Cyber Hygiene: Best Practices for Individual Online Safety

cyber hygiene

Cyber hygiene is the sum of practices an entity uses to guarantee a safe digital environment. In this case, an entity can refer to an individual, business, or organization. The digital environment, thus, encompasses devices, systems, and networks.

As such, rather than employing solutions to deal with breaches and leaks in the aftermath, cyber hygiene refers to habits that users imbibe to prevent them. Learn why cyber hygiene is important and how to improve yours.

Common Online Threats to Look Out for

Online threats continue to evolve with digital developments. With that in mind, here are some of the most popular every internet user should know:

  • Phishing. Pronounced “fishing” is a fraudulent attempt to obtain user information. Cybercriminals disguise themselves as legitimate businesses or people to obtain sensitive information.
  • Malware. Malware is malicious software distributed online. Users can pick up such software from illegal downloads and unsecured networks. Malicious entities use this malware to disrupt activities, gain unauthorized access, and steal information. 
  • Social engineering. Social engineering uses manipulative techniques to lure users into sharing confidential information. It takes advantage of psychological weaknesses as opposed to technical system loopholes.
  • Identity theft. Cybercriminals can use obtained personal data to steal user identity. They then use the stolen identity for financial gain. Their end-game includes opening credit cards, filing fraudulent tax returns, receiving loans, and many more.
  • Fake websites. In some ways, this is a form of phishing. Instead of actively trying to trick users, a phony website simply lies in wait. They appear like legitimate websites and try to lure people into sharing sensitive data. 
  • Unsecured networks. An unsecured network makes it easy for criminal entities to intercept user data. Such networks lack encryption and are open to eavesdroppers. Publicly available WiFi networks are usually unsecured.

Importance of Adopting Good Online Habits

Cyber hygiene and good online habits are essential for the following reasons:

  • Imbibing good cyber hygiene would protect your data and information. Developing good online habits inherently prevents you from situations where data security is at risk.
  • Security makes it less likely for cybercriminals to hijack your data. Privacy makes it hard for them to track your actions or steal your identity.
  • All your online activity helps to build a digital footprint. Good cyber hygiene and great online habits can keep your reputation intact. In other words, your online interactions and activities would be free from mistakes that cost opportunities.

Best Practices for Maintaining Cyber Hygiene

As stated earlier, cyber hygiene is the practice that helps guarantee a safe digital environment. Here are some of the practices you can utilize in your personal life and business:

  • Use strong and unique passwords. Create complex passwords independent of personal information; never repeat or reuse them.
  • Enable multi-factor authentication (MFA) where possible. Add as many layers of security as possible to apps and platforms that allow it.
  • Regularly update software. Ensure that security software, browsers, and other apps are updated. New updates may come with security patches and database upgrades.
  • Familiarise yourself with online threats. Knowledge of criminals’ trending threats and techniques can help you avoid their attempts.
  • Avoid connecting via unsecured networks. Sometimes, you might need to communicate on the go to avoid the urge to use public WiFi. If you plan on connecting regardless, make sure your security tools are active.
  • Back up data. Regular backups can save you from being at the mercy of cybercriminals. If malware or hardware issues lead to data loss, you can access your files without problems.
  • Engage only in safe browsing. This means you shouldn’t visit suspicious websites and links and avoid downloading shady and unknown attachments. Ignore pop-up ads, and only download the software you need from trusted sources.

Best Tools for Facilitating Cyber Hygiene

In addition to good cyber hygiene practices, you must shore up your blind spots with the best tools. Some tools to consider are:

  • Password managers. Multiple unique passwords can constitute a mental burden. As such, reliable password managers exist to:
    • Create passwords
    • Store passwords
    • Autofill passwords
    • Monitor credential theft online
    • Recommend password changes
  • Authentication apps. Trusted a uthenticator apps can improve security by facilitating token-based verification for MFA-enabled apps.
  • Antiviruses. An antivirus will help prevent the entry of, detect, and eliminate viruses and malware. However, keep your antivirus recent so that the database is always up-to-date. You can get an antivirus with a VPN feature to feed two birds with one scone or use free solutions that integrates with GlassWire.
  • Virtual Private Network (VPN). If you do have a reason to connect to public WiFi, use a VPN. The tunneling and encryption of a reliable VPN keep eavesdroppers away and protect transmitted data. Use a VPN every time you connect to the internet, if possible.
  • Cloud storage solutions. Cloud storage can provide the automated file backups that you need. You can backup important files to protect against ransomware attacks and not waste a byte of local space.
  • Firewalls. These tools stay at the eve of your network and filter incoming and outgoing data packets based on preset security rules. It goes without saying, here the choice is GlassWire.
  • Ad blockers. Ad blockers stop intrusive ads, pop-up ads, and redirecting.


In addition to these tools and practices, you should also enroll in awareness programs. They familiarise you with cyber threats and help you stay a step ahead.


Optimize Online Gaming Bandwidth with GlassWire

Optimize Online Gaming Bandwidth

And Level Up Your Gaming Experience!


In the realm of online gaming, every millisecond counts. Lag or a sluggish connection can mean the difference between victory and defeat. As games become more sophisticated and data-intensive, optimizing your online gaming bandwidth has never been more crucial. GlassWire offers gamers the ultimate tool to monitor, manage, and secure their network bandwidth, ensuring an optimal gaming experience. This article explores how you can use GlassWire to elevate your gaming sessions.

Why Bandwidth Optimization Matters for Gamers

Bandwidth optimization is essential for gamers seeking to reduce game lag, improve response times, and enjoy uninterrupted gameplay. High bandwidth usage by other applications or devices can throttle your game’s performance, leading to frustrating delays and a less competitive edge. By optimizing your gaming bandwidth, you ensure that your games have the resources they need to run smoothly.

How GlassWire Can Help

GlassWire is not just a firewall; it’s a comprehensive network monitoring and security tool that offers real-time insights into your bandwidth usage. Here’s how it can transform your gaming experience:

  1. Real-Time Bandwidth Monitoring: GlassWire provides a detailed view of your current and past network activity, allowing you to see which applications and devices are using your bandwidth. This visibility is the first step in optimizing your gaming bandwidth.
  2. Identify and Block Bandwidth Hogs: With GlassWire, you can easily identify non-essential applications that consume a significant portion of your bandwidth. Once identified, you can temporarily block these applications during your gaming sessions, ensuring that your games get the bandwidth they need.
  3. Network Security: Online gaming can expose you to various security risks, including DDoS attacks. GlassWire helps protect your gaming PC by monitoring for unusual network activity and alerting you to potential threats. By securing your network, you minimize disruptions and protect your personal information.
  4. Bandwidth Usage Alerts: Set custom bandwidth usage alerts with GlassWire to avoid exceeding your data cap. This feature is particularly useful for gamers with limited internet plans, as it helps manage data consumption without compromising game performance.

Optimize Your Online Gaming Bandwidth with GlassWire

  • Monitor Regularly: Regularly check GlassWire’s network activity graph to understand your peak gaming times and adjust your bandwidth usage accordingly.
  • Prioritize Gaming Traffic: Use your router’s Quality of Service (QoS) settings to prioritize gaming traffic. Combine this with GlassWire’s insights to ensure your games always have priority on your network.
  • Secure Your Network: Enable GlassWire’s firewall to block unwanted connections and potential threats. A secure network is a stable network, which is essential for online gaming.
  • Limit Background Applications: Use GlassWire to identify and limit bandwidth-heavy background applications. Keeping these applications in check can significantly improve your gaming performance.


Optimizing your online gaming bandwidth is essential for a seamless and enjoyable gaming experience. GlassWire offers the tools and insights needed to monitor, manage, and secure your network, ensuring that your games always run smoothly. By following the tips outlined in this article and leveraging GlassWire’s powerful features, you can take your gaming to the next level. Don’t let lag hold you back; optimize your gaming bandwidth with GlassWire and dominate the online arena.


Navigating Emerging Cyber Threats in 2024

As we step into 2024, the digital landscape continues to evolve at an unprecedented pace. With this rapid advancement comes a new wave of sophisticated cyber threats that exploit the latest technologies to breach security measures. This article delves into three emerging cyber threats that experts predict will dominate the cybersecurity arena in 2024: AI-powered phishing attacks, ransomware targeting IoT devices, and deepfake technology used for identity theft. Understanding these threats is the first step toward fortifying your defenses in the ever-changing battleground of cyber security.

Emerging Cyber Threats: AI-Powered Phishing Attacks

Phishing attacks are not new, but the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into these deceptive practices marks a significant evolution. AI-powered phishing attacks use machine learning algorithms to create highly convincing fake emails and websites. These attacks are tailored to individual behaviors and preferences, making them incredibly difficult to detect. The AI systems learn from successful phishing attempts, continuously improving their tactics to bypass traditional security measures. To combat these advanced threats, organizations and individuals must employ AI-driven security solutions that can predict and neutralize phishing attempts before they reach their targets.

Ransomware Targeting IoT Devices

The Internet of Things (IoT) has transformed our daily lives, connecting everything from home appliances to industrial machinery. However, this interconnectedness also opens up new avenues for cyber attacks. In 2024, experts predict a surge in ransomware attacks targeting IoT devices. Unlike traditional ransomware, these attacks could take control of essential devices, demanding payment to restore functionality. The potential for disruption is immense, from paralyzing smart homes to halting industrial processes. Protecting against IoT ransomware requires a multi-layered approach, including regular software updates, network segmentation, and the deployment of security solutions specifically designed for IoT ecosystems.

Deepfake Technology and Identity Theft

Deepfake technology, which generates convincing fake audio and video recordings, is increasingly being used for malicious purposes, including identity theft. Cybercriminals can create realistic videos or voice recordings of individuals to bypass biometric security measures or to manipulate public opinion. In 2024, the use of deepfakes for identity theft is expected to rise. Attackers will create fake identities or impersonating trusted individuals to gain access to sensitive information. Defending against deepfake-related identity theft involves a combination of technological solutions, such as deepfake detection tools, and increased awareness of the threat posed by these convincing fakes.


The emerging cyber threats of 2024 represent a significant evolution in the tactics used by cybercriminals. AI-powered phishing, IoT ransomware, and deepfake technology for identity theft are just the tip of the iceberg. As these threats continue to evolve, so too must our strategies for combating them. It is essential to stay informed about the latest cyber threats and to invest in advanced security solutions capable of defending against these sophisticated attacks. By understanding and preparing for these emerging threats, we can protect our digital lives and maintain the integrity of our interconnected world.

Protecting Your Digital Future from Emerging Cyber Threats

The battle against cyber threats is ongoing, and staying ahead requires constant vigilance and adaptation. It’s clear that understanding emerging threats is crucial for building effective defenses. By leveraging advanced security technologies and fostering a culture of cybersecurity awareness, we can safeguard our digital future against the unseen dangers that lie ahead.