
How can I stop background data usage in Windows?

background data usage

Background data usage is the norm for modern computers. But what happens when it gets out of hand? You’ll be in for a rough time: uncontrolled data usage reduces the quality of your networking experience.

Your Windows PC does a lot, and not just when you’re watching. On top of the apps you use every day, there are countless background processes, services, and helpers. These applications may be small enough to run unnoticed, yet they make a mark on your network traffic.

So what should you do? Here’s a simple guide to monitoring data usage on Windows PCs using GlassWire — and taking back control.

How to Check Background Data Usage in Windows 11: A GlassWire Crash Course

Checking your network usage is the first step, and installing GlassWire is effortless. Just go to the official page and download the program. Follow the instructions, and you’ll be good to go.

Next, you’ll want to familiarize yourself with the app. While there are a ton of cool features to explore, we’ll focus on the few you need to get started.

Dashboard Graph

GlassWire’s dashboard includes a graph tab that depicts your past and present network activity. You can click on any point to see more details about which apps were responsible for traffic spikes. This will also reveal which hosts the apps were communicating with and their country info if available.

At the top of the graph view, you’ll see a couple of configurable options. The time range selector lets you zoom in on specific periods. The other options let you view different traffic categories.

Alerts View

The alerts view shows you noteworthy changes in your network usage. This doesn’t only include suspicious events. You can set up alerts for any type of network traffic.

Network Time Machine

The next feature to check out is the network time machine. This is part of the graph and alerts views — look for the sliders below the traffic graphs. By adjusting the sliders, you can travel back in time to see past usage.

Bandwidth Usage Monitor

Check the usage tab to reveal the bandwidth usage monitor. This handy tool shows your bandwidth broken down by applications, hosts, and traffic types.

Checking the bandwidth monitor is a great way to uncover fishy events at a glance. For instance, you can easily see when unfamiliar apps upload lots of data. As with the other tabs, you can zero in on info at the daily, weekly, or monthly level.

Stop Background Data – Putting the Knowledge to Work

Now that you know how to monitor your network traffic, you should take action. Once again, there are many techniques you can try. We’ll focus on two of the simplest: disabling background apps and setting data limits.

Turn off Background Apps

Turning off background apps is an easy way to limit traffic. An app that isn’t running can’t download or upload data, making this solution foolproof.

There are a couple of ways to go here. The most effective route is to uninstall a problem application completely. The downside of this option is that you might later need the app — such as if it’s a service. If another program installed the app, removing it might cause problems in the future.

A more flexible option is to use a firewall. With GlassWire, you can block specific traffic on a per-application level.

GlassWire’s firewall is nice because you can always undo the settings later. For instance, some background apps are legit, but they use a lot of data, slowing your traffic down. Create a firewall profile to stop these apps from accessing the network while you’re gaming or streaming. Or just block all traffic while you’re away from the PC.

Set Data Limits. Control Your Background Data Usage

Setting data limits is another flexible way to configure your network for performance and safety. This solution is helpful if your internet service provider (ISP) or mobile provider has a data cap.

To achieve this using GlassWire, the best option is to start with alerts. For instance, you can tell the system to notify you if YouTube uses more than a specific amount of data. Set a limit lower than your total data cap so that you have some wiggle room left over.

Remember that notifications are only part of the picture. Once you receive an alert, you’ll still have to block or disable the app to prevent future usage.


Background data usage is a huge bummer. It slows down traffic, increases service bills, and may even indicate a serious threat.

You may have to live with some background data usage, but you’re still in control. Cultivate a solid network monitoring habit, and you’ll put yourself back in the driver’s seat — making it easier to choose the right strategy. Get started by downloading GlassWire today, or check out the forum to learn more.


What is Network Security

network security

As we navigate our personal and professional lives online, ensuring the safety and integrity of our data has become paramount. This article delves into the core concept of network security. It sheds light on how innovative tools like GlassWire, with its advanced bandwidth monitoring features, can elevate your security levels.

What is Network Security: A Brief Overview

Network security refers to implementing measures to safeguard the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of computer networks and the data they transmit. In essence, it encompasses a range of strategies and tools designed to protect networks from unauthorized access, cyberattacks, data breaches, and other malicious activities. With the proliferation of internet-connected devices and the ever-growing threat landscape, adopting robust network security measures is no longer optional but necessary.

Introducing GlassWire: Empowering Your Network Security

GlassWire is a cutting-edge bandwidth monitoring and security tool that offers a comprehensive suite of features to help users effectively manage and enhance their networks. One of its standout features is its advanced bandwidth monitoring capability. This feature allows you to monitor the data usage of all devices connected to your network in real time. By visualizing the data usage patterns, you can quickly identify any anomalies or suspicious activities that could indicate a potential security breach.

How GlassWire’s Bandwidth Monitoring Enhances The Security of Your Network

  • Real-time Monitoring
  • GlassWire provides real-time insights into the data consumption of various devices on your network. This enables you to identify any sudden spikes in data usage that could point to malware or unauthorized usage.
  • Anomaly Detection
  • With its intuitive graphical interface, GlassWire makes it easy to spot irregular data patterns. This can help you detect potential threats or compromised devices before they escalate into serious security incidents.
  • Visual Representation
  • GlassWire presents data usage information in an easily understandable visual format. This empowers tech-savvy and non-technical users to grasp the network’s activity, aiding in prompt decision-making.
  • Historical Analysis
  • By maintaining a historical record of network activity, GlassWire allows you to review past data usage trends. This can be invaluable in identifying recurrent patterns of suspicious behaviour.
  • Notification Alerts
  • GlassWire can be configured to send alerts whenever specific thresholds of data usage are breached. This ensures you are promptly notified of unusual activities, enabling swift action.

The Importance of Secure Your Network

As the digital landscape evolves, network security remains a priority for individuals and businesses. GlassWire’s bandwidth monitoring features provide an edge in achieving higher network security levels by granting unparalleled visibility into your network’s data usage. With real-time monitoring, anomaly detection, visual representations, historical analysis, and notification alerts, GlassWire empowers you to safeguard your network effectively against potential threats. Elevate your network security with GlassWire and stay one step ahead in the ever-changing realm of cybersecurity.


GlassWire Bandwidth Monitoring

Mastering Bandwidth Usage with GlassWire’s Monitoring Tool

Bandwidth Monitoring

With the advent of sophisticated tools like GlassWire’s Bandwidth Usage Monitor, users can bid farewell to bandwidth-related concerns. This article delves into the importance of bandwidth monitoring, the capabilities of GlassWire’s tool, and how it empowers users to regain control over their data consumption.

The Significance of Bandwidth Monitoring

Bandwidth is the lifeline of our digital interactions, governing the internet speed and quality of our online experiences. Whether you’re a casual internet user, a remote worker, or a business owner, understanding how your bandwidth is utilized can prevent overages, enhance performance, and ultimately save costs.

Empowering Users with GlassWire’s Bandwidth Usage Monitor

GlassWire’s Bandwidth Usage Monitor is a game-changer in data consumption management. This user-friendly tool offers an all-encompassing view of data usage, granting users complete visibility into their data consumption patterns.
Its interface is intuitive. It presents a detailed breakdown by Apps, Hosts, and Traffic Types, providing a clear understanding of which applications are the main culprits behind data drainage.

Pinpointing Data Drainage with Precision

One of the standout features of GlassWire’s tool is its ability to pinpoint exactly where you are consuming your data. GlassWire’s granular breakdown hence allows users to identify the source of data drainage with unparalleled precision. This not only aids in holding data-hungry applications accountable but also empowers users to make informed decisions about their online activities. Ultimately, such a feature can easily spot unwanted data flows, such for instance the one that a malicious app would send.

Unravelling Data Mysteries with the Usage Tab

Have you ever scratched your head, wondering why your data consumption is higher than expected? GlassWire’s Usage tab comes to the rescue by providing a comprehensive breakdown of individual apps and services responsible for data consumption. Whether it’s a newly installed application or an unnoticed background process, this feature ensures you’re always in the loop about where your data is going.

Bandwidth Monitoring, Efficiency, Savings, and Peace of Mind

GlassWire’s Bandwidth Usage Monitor brings efficiency and savings to the forefront. This comes as a result of the complete transparency and control over bandwidth usage. Users can optimize their online activities, adjust their app usage habits and lastly, even consider alternatives if a particular service consumes excessive data.
Businesses can benefit from allocating bandwidth resources judiciously, while home users can enjoy smoother streaming and browsing experiences without the nagging fear of exceeding data limits.


GlassWire’s Bandwidth Usage Monitor provides users with insights that empower them to take control of their online activities. Say goodbye to bandwidth woes and hello to a more efficient, cost-effective, and seamless digital experience with GlassWire’s innovative solution.
Embrace the future of bandwidth management today!