We recently tested GlassWire cracks to see if any are working and we have found the most if not all contain malware. This is upsetting to us because we made GlassWire to help people detect malware, not spread it.
Please note the free version of GlassWire is very powerful and never expires on its own. Don’t risk ruining your PC or losing data by installing malware cracks.
If you’re using a version of GlassWire with a crack your PC may already be infected. We recommend reinstalling Windows from scratch, then download the free version of GlassWire here.
If you want a paid version of GlassWire you can buy it here without ruining your PC. We’re a small indie team and we appreciate your support!
Medz Atakata says:
You are doing a great job! Please supply me with PRO version, I am student and can’t afford it..